
Following God requires waiting. The Bible is full of legendary waiters - Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Jeremiah, Paul and even Jesus. None of them chose to wait. God made them wait. I don't like it. I hate it. But waiting is as much a part of following God as trying to love your neighbor.

God uses waiting to shape us into what he wants us to be. Often he uses disappointment to make us wait. The waiting builds character, trust and peace and instills in us a dependancy on God. We think we can forge ahead and carve out the life we want. Then we hit a road block, a disappointment. We have to wait.

The result of waiting is good. Firmness of spirit. Confidence. And a foundation, like a wise man who built his house on the rock.

Go with the waiting. Don't fight it. Step into its flow. Breath in deep. The God that loves you more than you can ever imagine makes you wait. It's ok. It's good.